So you want to sell your things online, but have no idea how to generate demand? Here’s where to start.
First: Review What You’re Product Looks Like
People want nice things.
Does your product look nice? If not, we’re going to make it nice.
- Have a sleek logo: Create your own logo, or use any free online tool to make one. Your logo needs to draw people’s attention, and reflect your brand.
- Take better photo’s: Buy a light, use white poster paper for the background, and thats the minimum you need. Take sleek photos. Even a mug can look better when isolated and put on a plain background.
Next, Post it Online
This product should be everywhere.
- Use social media to get the word out about your work: TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest, whatever. It needs to be out there.
- Sell on Marketplaces: Amazon, Sellou, Ebay, etc. Download the apps and get going.
- Invest in SEO: Let Search Engine Optimization be the way for people to discover your website. Use backlinks, get featured in articles, put out your own press releases about the product, reach out to local media. The more coverage, the better your SEO score.
- Run Influencer Marketing Campaigns: This option needs a little money, but is well worth it if you pickt he right influencers for your product. If you’re targeting people locally, find a local influencer. If you’re targeting a certain sector (like fitness), find the influencers that fit your sector best.
- PPC Campaigns: Also another money option, Pay-Per-Click campaigns are effective, especially if you have some traction. These include ad campaigns on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram.
- Upsell your product: Offer a more premium version, collaborate with existing sellers, or offer a better package for purchasing your product. There are so many ways to upsell, a popular trend nowadays is sending a goodie box every month to your subscribers. The box can include a bespoke selection of rpoducts — including yours.
Add a little pizzazz….
Your product needs to offer the customer more than what it is, it needs to be a brand. They should say it for what it is like Google going from just a name to “I’ll google it.” It needs to stand out. First examine the product, is there a way to improve it if I make a slight tweak?
Can I use the product in new and different ways?
Next, offer a nicer package. Gift wrap it. Leave a note. Simply make it a better purchase compared to anything else. Is there anything that you cna add in the box that makes the product usable in different ways? Get creative! Everyone appreciates and loves creativity — its the thing that’ll make you stand out.
You’re product needs to invoke a sense of glamor. It has to be cool, and in fashion, it has to make people feel better about themselves. That’ll get people talking.
Sellou is an online marketplace for artists, creatives, and designers to sell products exclusively, currently on iOS only. Download it from the App Store or by clicking this link.